Monday, November 15, 2010

Mac & cheese yang simple-cepat dimasak-sedap dimakan

Resepi asal drp tuty. TQ tuty!!

Bahan2 :
1 can of mushroom or chicken soup.(to me chicken soup taste better, but mushroom soup pun sedap gak sbb ada mushroom bits)
Button mushrooms-chopped/slice. Qty x kisah.
Half can of susu cair
5-6 slices of cheddar cheese.
250gm macaroni - cook and drain.
2-3 garlic. Minced.
2-3 Sausages-slice senget2
1-2 table spoon butter or olive oil.Butter taste good, it comes with fat. Hahah
1-2tbspn oil
300g daging hancur (optional : ni saya tambah*Laila*)

Note: bole pakai grated cheese jugak.

To make the sauce:
1) panaskn minyak, goreng sosej tu sampai brownish. (sekiranya menggunakan daging hancur, goreng daging hancur dahulu sehingga hampir masak, barulah masukkan sosej*Laila*)
2) masukkan butter, tumis bwg putih. Jgn lama sgt or nnt dia burn.
3) masukkan mushroom, kacau2 jap.
4) masukkn soup, a lil bit of water. Kacau2 sampai mendidih.
5) masukkan cheese, macaroni. Susu masukkan sikit2 up to consistency.. Bole masukkan butter jugak utk make it creamy.

Nota tangan saya : silakanlah mencuba...... tak rugi dan tak menyesal utk penggemar2 cheese!!

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